Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some pictures

At London's Heathrow airport, feeling kind of blurry and unsure where my next flight is.

The view from my window.

Me, arrived.

The books that are supposed to last me 4 months.


  1. Hey Colin, great to hear you're gonna be in Berlin! I'll be back in Erlangen for another 4 months beginning on April 15th. How long are you there? While Berlin is a ways away from me, it's really easy to get there on Mitfahrgelegenheit (which you should check out if you don't know about it already).

    I've been to Berlin I think 8 times at this point, so here's my list of things to check out:
    --The Jewish Museum
    --Panorama bar
    --the Reichstag (get the full tour though!)
    --the Pergamon
    --the Holocaust "wave" memorial near the Reichstag

    Most of those are obvious enough, but worth mentioning. So let me know when you'll be free and I'll have yet another reason to make a trip up there.

  2. Colin - interesting list there--are you learning Biblical Hebrew in addition to polishing up your German while there? If so, cool combo--but why as well the Schechter?

  3. Hey Luc - I'll be here until late July. I don't have much going on (except in early June), especially before mid-May. So yeah - any time you want to come up, I'm game.

    Martin - the Schechter's for general Judaism learning purposes (I've started converting). I'd been reading general Judaism books that just made claims about the tenets of Judaism without citing anything, and that started irritating me a little. So a rabbi pointed me in Schechter's direction.
