Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Colin's professional development update

...which doesn't mean that this update is going to be professional quality.

Yesterday, I gave the last of three presentations that were packed into 8 days. The first was on Monday of last week (in Horstmann's Kant colloquium here in Berlin) on the metaphysics of the self paper. The second was last Friday in Frankfurt on the composition paper (both of these about Kant). And the third was back here in Berlin in the Leibniz Research Project colloquium on the Spinoza/flashbacks paper. All together, that's three of the four papers I'm planning on using on the market next year.

(Naomi has pointed out to me that I keep saying 'next year', even though this really means 'in a few months.' The 'next year' in question is one that starts in August. This coming August - the one that's only forty or fifty days away. Having admitted that, I'm going to go back to self-deception.)

Overall, I think the presentations went well - there were some tricky, surprising questions in each, but nothing too brutal (unless my self-deceptive powers have evolved to a new level). Whew. Not that that's not going to stop me from being a paranoid wreck next year.

Naomi and I will get some pictures up soon. We have a lot of new ones. Life's just been busy. But we're both really looking forward to seeing you all again at the end of summer....

Also: it looks like I have to work up to at least a 'fair reading level' of Latin before November. If anyone else is interested in forming a Latin-cramming group (probably centered around Spinoza's Ethics), let me know.


  1. Congrats on your successful presentations! That certainly bodes very well for the job market. I'm not sure that I'll have the time to study Latin this summer, but, if I do, perhaps we could practice while we run around the park. In any case, there's a new Latin edition of Spinoza's Opera posthuma that might be worth the investment:

  2. Naomi will soon learn that, despite what the secular or Jewish calendars might say, years run from August to August, with the beloved "New Year's Day" occuring somewhere btwn Aug 15 and Aug 30 depending on the university. In fact, the entire discipline of sociology has an elaborate end of year celebration known as the "Annual Meetings" each year during the second weekend of August.

    Zach keeps getting annoyed at me for saying things like "Next year we'll live in New Haven!" and "Next year we'll have a dishwasher!" He is constantly correcting me with "You mean August" to which I reply "Yeah! Next year!"

    Also, I have no idea why I don't have a consistent way of commenting on your blog. Sometimes WordPress works (either or, sometimes Google, sometimes LiveJournal (kaygigi). At the moment, nothing is working in either browser, so I have no idea how this will post.

  3. Wow, I don't think I realized you were planning on using four papers on the market. Is the idea that you'd use two as writing samples, and two as job talks?

  4. That's the idea. Unless I get talked out of one. Or two.
