Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pretty pictures! (from Frankfurt, part 1)

Colin looking skeptically at an 'old' but ornate bar in the touristy old part of Sachsenhausen (i.e. what the guidebook said was the 'hip' neighborhood of Frankfurt).

The Römerberg -- 14th and 15th century buildings that were rebuilt in the 1980s as a tourist trap. And there were indeed lots of tourists. It was quaint, though. We sat here for a while eating ice cream and getting in photos being taken by a Japanese tourist group.

Us sitting by the Main river at night. Nothing funny about that. (We felt obliged to have a picture of us in here somewhere.)

Frankfurt has a stock exchange, and a lot of money. The guidebook says it is the business capital of Germany. They use statues like this to make the point clear, in case all the skyscrapers with bank names didn't make it obvious.

In the main Frankfurt university building, they have elevators that move continuously. You hop on and hop off. I don't know what happens if you fail to hop on at the right moment.

1 comment:

  1. only a short step from those elevators to moving sidewalks?
