Friday, May 8, 2009

Things are moving along here. Amy and Audrey move out in about a week, and Naomi gets here in less than two. In a month, I'll give the first of three philosophy presentations here. And in a little more than 2.5 months, I'll be back in New York.

I feel like my German has been making regress recently. Either that, or I'm just becoming more acutely aware of how very far I have to go till I'm where I want to be.

A question: is the notion of 'repentance' necessarily theological? Could someone honestly and literally claim to repent if he/she had no belief in the supernatural?

Here are some special words that I'll all probably misuse in embarrassing ways before long:

  • eventuell - possible

  • das Gift - the poison

  • prägnant - pithy

1 comment:

  1. Andere falsche Freunde:
