Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I think I found my beer

Weihenstephan. They claim to be the oldest brewery in the world, but all I'm sure of is that I drank two of their beers today and liked them much more than anything else I've had here so far (Berliner Kindl hasn't really been doing it for me). Pretty tasty.

Today was nice - a run in the morning, then some writing, then a meeting with Johannes Haag (a professor here who has to be one of the nicest people ever), then conversation with Jens (#4), then meeting with Martin, who bought me a couple beers and a crepe - all for some inane comments on his master's thesis.

Jens told me that the Germans don't really 'date,' and I realized that I don't think most Americans do either. When most people in the US talk about how they're 'dating' someone, they don't really mean that they're going on dates (except in New York, I guess). Saying that you're dating someone seems to more often be a way of saying that you're involved with someone, but not yet really an 'item' with them yet. Or so it seemed to me after I'd drunk the first Weihenstephan.

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