Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Part of the view from the balcony at the back of the apartment.

Results of my first hunting and gathering trip, sitting in the kitchen window. The bread is called 'Heidebrot,' and weighs about a billion pounds. I got it at a bakery just down the street (though it looks like they probably got it from elsewhere, since they only had a tiny little oven). The rest of the food is from a superishmarket a couple blocks away, just across from a highschool. The bottle is apple-flavored mineral water (my roommate advised me to ease into drinking tap water).

The view down my street, from street-level. It's pretty quiet.

This is the U-Bahn leaving the Goerlitzer station near the apartment. The church is the centerpiece of Lausitzer Platz, the closest open square thing, where I sat this morning to drink coffee and eat a crispy seed-roll of some sort.

What seems to be the central area in Goerlitzer Park, a fairly large park a few blocks south. There were some people out running there, so that it could become part of my routine. I'll need to explore it more. The white things on the grass aren't trash, they're some old masonry. And the weird line is public art of some form. I'll explore this all more...

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