Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rote Grütze a dessert I had last night at a cafe in Prenzlauer Berg (I was hanging out with Jacob Rosen - good times). It's a sort of syrupy mixture of berries, with some wine cooked in, I think. Fairly tart. The cafe served it in a glass topped with ice cream and whipped cream. It was really good. Just so you all know.

In general, things are going pretty well. It's now been 3.5 weeks since I left NY, and I'm still alive. An important part of staying alive, I've found, is having a good sense for how different sorts of cobble-stone surfaces affect your bike. The little stones are fine. The more brick-sized stones are not. And the road up to the bridge over the Spree just north of the main Humboldt building is made out of the brick-sized stones. I haven't yet figured out what the best way to over them is. Going slow seems safer, but feels extra wobbly, so I'm not sure if zooming over them is the best way to go.

Some words involving 'ent-':

  • eine Ente - a duck

  • entstehen - to arise, develop

  • entsprechen - to correspond to

  • entsagen - to renounce

  • entlarven - to unmask, expose


  1. This is exactly the sort of helpful post I was referring to. Cobblestones, indeed.

  2. You're welcome - I try to have a little something for everyone.
