Friday, April 10, 2009

Quick update

The sun's set and I'm tired, but it was a good day... except that I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Not cool. Cold. But I've drunk enough orange juice to get the edges of my eyes tingling, so hopefully that'll kill it overnight.

I had another conversation partner meeting today, this time with a guy named Klaus out in the western part of the city. I rode there through the Tiergarten. Fun riding - there were great bike lanes for most of the way, and there was a bike rack on the exact corner where we were supposed to meet (not too surprising - there are bike racks everywhere). The conversation practice was good. My German doesn't feel any better, but at least my endurance is improving (at the first couple conversation practices, my brain basically stopped processing German after about 30 minutes).

Idiom for the day: "ihm auf den Zahn fuehlen." Weird. Somehow, talking about feeling to someone on the tooth is a way of saying that you're feeling out what someone thinks about something. Actually, the English idiom is kind of weird too. (Corrections welcome about this.)

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